Želimo Vam ugodno korištenje Internet bankarstva za pravna lica. Internet bankarstvo kvalitetan je alat koji trebate pažljivo koristiti kako biste izbjegli eventualne poteškoće i uživali u njegovom korištenju. Sigurnost sistema ali i poslovanja u cjelini osnovni je postulat naše poslovne politike. Kontinuirano unapređenje sigurnosnih aspekata naš je prioritet.
Informacije koje podijelite sa bankom ne mogu se zloupotrijebiti po bilo kojem osnovu, niti iskoristiti u bilo koju svrhu osim one za koju su date. Svi Vaši podaci čuvaju se i tretiraju u skladu sa važećim zakonima i drugim propisima koji regulišu ovu oblast.
Vaši identifikacioni podaci su Vaši privatni podaci koje Vam niko nikada neće tražiti, niti ste bilo kome dužni dati te podatke. Isto se odnosi na broj Vašeg računa ili kartice.
Edukacija korisnika je osnovni, a često i jedini način suzbijanja prevara putem Interneta, stoga ćemo Vas, u cilju prevencije prevara i zaštite Vaših podataka, u nastavku upoznati sa mogućim pokušajima prevare putem e-maila/Interneta i mjerama za unapređenje sigurnosti.
Mjere za dodatno unapređenje sigurnosti Vašeg poslovanja
Molimo Vas da vodite računa o sljedećem:
- putem telefona + 387 33 28 78 90, 28 78 91, 28 78 92, 28 78 93 (radnim danom od 08:30 do 16:30) kako bi se blokirao servis - putem e-mail adrese: Jep.RBBH@rbb-sarajevo.raiffeisen.at - na web stranici: www.raiffeisenbank.ba
Mjere koje preporučujemo:
Veoma čest pokušaj prevare je tzv. phishing, koji predstavlja pokušaj iznuđivanja povjerljivih podataka od korisnika Interneta, kao što su korisnička imena, lozinke i podaci o karticama, s ciljem zloupotrebe istih.
Phishing se provodi putem falsifikovane web stranice koja se lažno predstavlja kao npr. stranica za online plaćanje, banka ili npr. popularna društvena web stranica i slično. Ta lažna stranica šalje posebno pripremljen e-mail koji može izgledati kao npr. obavijest iz banke, u kojem usmjerava korisnike da kliknu na link koji vodi ka lažnoj stranici.
Ukoliko korisnik to uradi, falsifikovana stranica, čiji je izgled gotovo identičan izgledu prave - legitimne stranice, dalje navodi korisnika da upiše svoje lične podatke. Kad korisnik to učini, podaci dolaze do vlasnika lažne stranice, koje on kasnije može zloupotrijebiti.
Lažna web stranica izgleda skoro identična pravoj, ali je URL adresa u traci za adresiranje drugačija, stoga kako biste se zaštitili od pokušaja prevare preporučujemo da kada želite pristupiti stranici Raiffeisen banke, u traku za adresiranje ručno ukucate: raiffeisenbank.ba
Također, naglašavamo da Vam Raiffeisen BANK d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina nikada neće poslati e-mail dostavljajući Vam linkove za stranicu na kojoj je potrebno da unesete Vaše korisničko ime, lozinku ili podatke o kreditnoj kartici.
Ukoliko dobijete sumnjiv e-mail, molimo Vas da kontaktirate Banku putem Raiffeisen direkt info telefona: +387 33 75 50 10.
Opšti pojmovi
- ActivCard čitač + identifikacijska kartica - Token
Dear Customer,
We wish you a pleasant experience with our Corporate Online Banking Service. Online banking is a high-quality tool that should be used carefully to avoid any difficulties and take advantage of the service's convenience. The security of the system and of our business in general is a basic pillar of our business policy. Continuous improvement of all security aspects is one of our priorities.
The information you exchange with our bank cannot be misused in any way or used for any purpose other than the intended one. All your data is kept and handled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing this matter.
Your identification data is your private data and nobody will ever request it from you, nor are you obliged to disclose it to anybody. The same is true for your account or card number.
Customer education is the best, if not the only way to prevent Internet fraud. For the dual purpose of fraud prevention and protection of your data, we would like to make you more sensible against deceptions via email/Internet.
How can you contribute to the security of your business dealings?
We kindly ask you to pay special attention to the following:
- contact us by phone at + 387 33 28 78 90, 28 78 91, 28 78 92 or 28 78 93 (Monday - Friday, from 08:30am to 04:30pm) to block the service immediately, or - send an e-mail to: : Jep.RBBH@rbb-sarajevo.raiffeisen.at - visit our web site on www.raiffeisenbank.ba
We recommend taking the following measures:
A very frequent variation of deception is phishing. It is aimed at worming out secret data from Internet users, such as user names, passwords and card data, for fraudulent use.
Phishing is done via faked websites disguised, for example, as online payment sites, a bank or a popular social network site etc. That fake website sends a specially created e-mail which can look like a notice from a bank, luring users to click on a link that guides them to a faked website.
Once connected to these deceptive imitations, users are asked to enter secret personal data. If they follow the instruction, their data will be transmitted to the owner of the faked website, who can use them fraudulently at a later time.
The fake website is almost identical to the true one, but the URL address in the address line is different. We therefore recommend you, in order to protect yourself from fraud, to access Raiffeisen Bank’s website by manually entering its address raiffeisenbank.ba into the address line.
Also note, that Raiffeisen BANK d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina will never send you an e-mail asking you to connect to websites where you will be asked to enter your user name, password or credit card data.
If you get a suspicious e-mail, please call the Raiffeisen direct info line: +387 33 75 50 10.
- ActivCard reader + card identification - Token